Climate Change in Australia

Climate information, projections, tools and data

Technical Presentations

Technical presentations provide explanations of selected technical aspects of the Climate Change in Australia projections and tools.

More presentations will be added over time, as resources permit. However, if you would like to contribute a presentation please contact us .

Understanding the Climate Futures Framework

Why (and how to) use the Climate Futures approach for climate change impact assessment.

PDF presentation (1013.6 KB)

PPT presentation (1.2 MB)

ccia presentation / slide deck

The presentation found below walks through the key results from the climate change projections research found on this site.

The slides can be used for presentation purposes, with appropriate reference to CSIRO and Bureau of Meteorology 2015.

Overview presentation

Results from climate change projections research 2015

PDF presentation (2.5 MB)

PPT presentation (16.5 MB)


Page updated 24th December 2020