Climate Change in Australia

Climate information, projections, tools and data


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Sea level rise

CMIP5 data (Based on models and emission scenarios used in the IPCC 5th Assessment report).

Useful links: Marine Explorer , Technical Report (Chapter 8) , IPCC 5th Assessment report - sea level change.

CMIP3 data (Based on models and emission scenarios used in the IPCC 5th Assessment report).

Useful links: ACE CRC website , CSIRO Sea level rise website , Canute - sea level calculator.

Observations and trends.

Useful links: Estimating Present Day Extreme Total Water Level Exceedance Probabilities Around the Australian Coastline

Sea surface temperature

CMIP5 data (Based on models and emission scenarios used in the IPCC 5th Assessment report.

Useful links: Marine Explorer , Technical Report (Chapter 8)

Observed trends.

Useful links: Sea surface temperature trends

Salinity and Ocean Acidification

CMIP5 data (Based on models and emission scenarios used in the IPCC 5th Assessment report).

Useful links: Marine Explorer , Technical Report (Chapter 8) .

Observations and Trends.

Useful links: Coral bleaching